Black Catahoula Lab Mix

Black Catahoula Lab Mix

Black Catahoula Lab Mix is a cross between Labrador Retrievers and Louisiana Catahoula Leopard Dogs. After this, Labahoula starts to be a popular dog breed. The mix includes features and characters coming from both of its origins.  Although parents had a rough use of...
Catahoula Border Collie Mix

Catahoula Border Collie Mix

Catahoula Border collie mix is a result of a crossbreed of Catahoula dog breed and Border collie dog breed. A unique mix breed is obtained when they are a crossbreed and the Border collie dog and Catahoula dog have different temperaments. With a hunting background,...
Catahoula Dogs

Catahoula Dogs

Catahoula Dogs is an all-purpose farm and hunting dog, the Catahoula Leopard Dog is a rustic, hardy breed in the American Deep South that was developed.  As a family companion, Catahoula Leopard Dog also devoted although Dogs are very much working. When raised with...