Catahoula Leopard Dog Mix

Catahoula Leopard Dog Mix is a beautiful feature like hurdles for dog fans who want to adopt a Catahoula dog is that these dogs need outdoor exercise to stay fit and fine. Catahoula German Shepherd mix is between the Catahoula and German shepherd. You will get...
Catahoula dog Mix

Catahoula dog Mix

Catahoula Dog Mix Catahoula Dog Mix beautiful features like hurdles for dog fans who want to adopt a Catahoula dog is that these dogs need outdoor exercise to stay fit and fine. Hybrid breeding leads together two purebred dog breeds to develop strengths from each kind...
Catahoula Border Collie Mix

Catahoula Border Collie Mix

Catahoula Border collie mix is a result of a crossbreed of Catahoula dog breed and Border collie dog breed. A unique mix breed is obtained when they are a crossbreed and the Border collie dog and Catahoula dog have different temperaments. With a hunting background,...